Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Day 5, Yoga School, Rishikesh, India, February 7, 2023

My intention for today was just to enjoy it - to realize that I am in India, the birthplace of yoga, actually studying it. How awesome is that? I don’t have to cook or clean - all I have to do is get up and do what I’m told.  I need to be really grateful for this opportunity.

Well in spite of such positive thinking or maybe because of it, I was awake before my alarm and I had stomach issues all day. Bad stomach issues. I did manage to stay in class until the last yoga session which starts at 5:30 but from then on I stayed in my room where it was “safe”.  I’m not sure what I ate or why I was sick but I sure hope I will be better tomorrow. To be very honest, I think it was the vodka. Every time I had a drink, I felt shitty the next day so I’ve poured it down the drain. We will see what tomorrow brings!

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