Surgery Experience- What I Know So Far
So the surgery business is quite a deal. Last night about 7 PM two women walked in in long yellow coats. They changed my IV to a long cord and said they would be back in 15 to move me.
They came back and made me put on a diaper . Frick, I said I’m not wearing that and they said the doctor said you have to instead of a catheter. I thought that was a good idea because I didn’t want something stuck up my Ying Yang or even anywhere near it and have that be uncomfortable the next day. I had to change my clothes and away we went. Once in the operating room, I switched over onto a very skinny bed. Once the anesthesiologist said he was starting the anesthesia, I started to count but the
next thing I knew I was back in my room. That was at 12:02. I felt very claustrophobic because I had a tube of oxygen going into my nose, ECG hook ups all over my chest, an oxygen reader on my finger, and I was hooked up to blood pressure. Plus I was wrapped in blankets like a mummy. I think I was pretty snappy, but not sure and got all that shit off of me and then I felt better. I was given a sleeping pill because I was wide awake and more pain meds. I felt nothing and my right hand and arm were completely numb from the pain nerve blocker. I slept until 8 o’clock, although I woke up briefly a couple of times. By this time, I was kind of cold and apparently I asked them to turn the heat down to 19. They took my vitals again and everything was good. They checked my blood and I do not need a transfusion. I could make a fist with my right hand, but I could not straighten my fingers and I could not feel my arm. The biggest problem was my eyes as everything was blurry. I can see the TV and the clock and the posters on the wall, but I can’t tell you what anything says. The anesthesiologist came in and said my eyes were covered all the time so my problem is not related to anesthesia. They took me to see an ophthalmologist who told me I have abrasions on both corneous and she prescribed three kinds of drops and said they will be cleared up in 7 to 14 days. I came back to my room and had my breakfast which was a chicken Caesar salad except the nurse heated up the chicken. Frick!
The secondary surgeon came and showed me x-rays-
The operation went as well as it could have. I have one plate and 12 screws. They had to leave a few bone fragments floating around because they were too small to reattach, but they will be absorbed into my body. I cannot lift anything for two weeks and I should not have any pain but time will tell. I am hooked up to a drain that should be removed tomorrow once the fluid is running yellow instead of red. Yellow is serum and red is blood. I lost about 300 mL of blood.. My arm should be back to how it was before in three months. He was very pleased with the surgery. I asked him if I have osteoporosis and he said that the bone was a little soft, but the only way to really know is with a bone density test. To increase bone density I need to take calcium and vitamin D3. I already take D3 every morning, but will increase my calcium. I probably don’t get enough of that daily. Then we spent quite a bit of time talking about a trip that he wants to take to Banff. I will write out everything I think he should do. He was tickled.
Then Physio came and we did a few passive shoulder movements so I had to lean forward and just let my shoulder fall forward on its own. The way she was reacting I don’t think I was doing it right. Anyway, she will come back again at 3 PM.
Now I can walk on my own and tie my own pants because my right arm is functioning and does not hurt. I have had to have a nurse tie my pants ever since I got here and with the amount of water I drink I make frequent trips to the toilet. They must wonder what I do in there!
All in all I am very pleased except for my eyes, and I am hopeful that I will be able to carry on my trip but time will tell once I can evaluate my pain.