Friday, February 7, 2025

 Surgery Experience- What I Know So Far

So the surgery business is quite a deal. Last night about 7 PM two women walked in in long yellow coats. They changed  my IV to a long cord and said they would be back in 15 to move me.

They came back and made me put on a diaper . Frick, I said I’m not wearing that and they said the doctor said you have to instead of a catheter. I thought that was a good idea because I didn’t want something stuck up my Ying Yang or even anywhere near it and have that be uncomfortable the next day. I had to change my clothes and away we went. Once in the operating room, I switched over onto a very skinny bed. Once the anesthesiologist said he was starting the anesthesia, I started to count but the 

next thing I knew I was back in my room. That was at 12:02. I felt very claustrophobic because I had a tube of oxygen going into my nose, ECG hook ups all over my chest, an oxygen reader on my finger, and I was hooked up to blood pressure. Plus I was wrapped in blankets like a mummy. I think I was pretty snappy, but not sure and got all that shit off of me and then I felt better. I was given a sleeping pill because I was wide awake and more pain meds. I felt nothing and my right hand and arm were completely numb from the pain nerve blocker. I slept until 8 o’clock, although I woke up briefly a couple of times. By this time, I was kind of cold and apparently I asked them to turn the heat down to 19. They took my vitals again and everything was good. They checked my blood and I do not need a transfusion. I could make a fist with my right hand, but I could not straighten my fingers and I could not feel my arm. The biggest problem was my eyes as everything was blurry. I can see the TV and the clock and the posters on the wall, but I can’t tell you what anything says. The anesthesiologist came in and said my eyes were covered all the time so my problem is not related to anesthesia. They took me to see an ophthalmologist who told me I have abrasions on both corneous and she prescribed three kinds of drops and said they will be cleared up in 7 to 14 days. I came back to my room and had my breakfast which was a chicken Caesar salad except the nurse heated up the chicken. Frick!

The secondary surgeon came and showed me x-rays-

The operation went as well as it could have. I have one plate and 12 screws. They had to leave a few bone fragments floating around because they were too small to reattach, but they will be absorbed into my body. I cannot lift anything for two weeks and I should not have any pain but time will tell. I am hooked up to a drain that should be removed tomorrow once the fluid is running yellow instead of red. Yellow is serum and red is blood. I lost about 300 mL of blood.. My arm should be back to how it was before in three months. He was very pleased with the surgery. I asked him if I have osteoporosis and he said that the bone was a little soft, but the only way to really know is with a bone density test. To  increase bone density I need to take calcium and vitamin D3.  I already take D3 every morning, but will increase my calcium. I probably don’t get enough of that daily.  Then we spent quite a bit of time talking about a trip that he wants to take to Banff. I will write out everything I think he should do. He was tickled.

Then Physio came and we did a few passive shoulder movements so I had to lean forward and just let my shoulder fall forward on its own. The way she was reacting I don’t think I was doing it right. Anyway, she will come back again at 3 PM.

Now I can walk on my own and tie my own pants because my right arm is functioning and does not hurt. I have had to have a nurse tie my pants ever since I got here and with the amount of water I drink I make frequent trips to the toilet. They must wonder what I do in there!

All in all I am very pleased except for my eyes, and I am hopeful that I will be able to carry on my trip but time will tell once I can evaluate my pain. 

 Surgery Day, Bangkok Hospital, Chiang Rai, Thailand 

I had a good sleep and spent the day reading and being on my IPad.  They made me have another shower and I had Tom Yum Goong soup for breakfast, but it wasn’t nearly as good as yesterday. Must’ve been a different cook and a lazy one at that because there’s lots of ingredients in a properly made soup and this one was definitely lacking.

I was not allowed to eat or drink after 12 o’clock but they hooked me up to an IV so I didn’t get dehydrated. Watermelon and Wave came for a quick hello on their way home, because Wave has been discharged –

The doctor came in to see if I had any questions.  I asked why my surgery had taken so long and he said that this surgeon is the very best in the country and is busy. He also said they were waiting for the swelling to go down in my arm. He said that after the operation I will have physio to learn some exercises to help build back my strength.

I am looking forward to having this over with.  I remember the last time I had anaesthesia and I was counting down from ten and only got to about eight and the next thing I knew I was waking up so I hope tonight will be the same. The spa days are over and I’m a bit nervous and apprehensive because how this goes will determine my future - trip plans and possible changes to my mobility.  I am very glad that Watermelon will be on the night shift because she is excellent, speaks very good English and has become a friend.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

 Bangkok Hospital, Chiang Rai, Thailand 

I didn’t sleep as well as the night before but when a person doesn’t do anything all day it’s not like you’re tired. I sleep because I’m bored and the drugs make me dozy as well.

I had a visitor - Nok-

She is my friend Don’s friend.  She doesn’t want him to call her his girlfriend! She is a very independent woman – she just spent time in Australia doing some archeological work. Her mother lives in Chiang Rai so she was here visiting her and she came to meet me. She brought watermelon, grapes and oranges, as well as a piece of birthday cake because yesterday Don turned 61. It was awesome to meet her!

The doctor also came to visit and my surgery will be tomorrow night, Friday at 8 PM. It will take about two hours and of course he had to go over all of the risks which I don’t like hearing about even though I know chances of any of that happening are slim to none.  I will be released either Monday or Tuesday and then will probably stay in a guest house close to where Nok’s mother lives for a couple of days until I can figure out if I can manage my backpack or not.

I finished a book and started another.  I slept a little bit, had a shower, washed my hair and walked a few laps around the unit.  All of this is trivial I know but there’s not a lot going on in ICU.

My meds-

For breakfast I had Tom Yum Goong soup which was fabulous and then for lunch I had a chicken caesar salad which was also delicious-

Tomorrow I will not be able to eat or drink anything after 12 PM.  

The staff is wonderful – my main nurse, because she speaks English, is called Watermelon (Tængmo) in Thai and her daughter is called Wave.  Her daughter is two and has been in this hospital for five days with a high fever so after Watermelon finishes her shift, she spends the night with her daughter.

My bandages were replaced and this looks way worse than it actually is-

I’m hoping for a restful night.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

                                             Bangkok Hospital, Chiang Rai, Thailand

Believe it or not I slept quite well sitting fairly upright.  I get pain meds- an injection and pills regularly so my pain is about a 3 most of the time until I start to move and then it is about an 8.  

A nurse brought me the menu-

and breakfast was an omelette.  Kind of like McDonald’s- nothing is as good as it looks in the picture-

I read my book, answered texts and emails - thank you everyone for your concern, slept and then it was lunch.  I had a burger-

and canceled my supper order.  It’s bad so I will try again tomorrow!

The surgeon came and surgery will be Friday evening which is another two days of doing nothing. He said my arm has swollen since last night so they will be putting cold compresses on it and because I am over 60 they take special precautions before surgery. I will be in the hospital until Monday or Tuesday. He will put in a plate and a few pins because there are two bones broken.  I will not get a cast and depending on how my body reacts to the pins and plates, they may never have to come out but he said that people sometimes feel them in the cold weather so time will tell.

The motorcycle shop’s wife came to see me.  They haven’t retrieved the bike yet but they also have to file a police report.  She took pictures of me and said she would come back.  

Everyone is very nice and helpful and I have a lovely room-

At the moment there are 6 nurses for 2 patients.  I was told they usually have 7 patients but this is “slow season”, then she laughed!

I asked if I could have a bath/shower so because of my bandages two nurses gave me a bath in my bed. That was kind of weird but felt good. I hope I smell better now!

I have books to read and every now and then I walk around the unit.  I am taking this as a mini vacation because I know I am very lucky and things could have been a lot worse!

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

 Northern Thailand 

My day started off great.  I had a leisurely morning then went bike hunting.  I ended up renting a semi automatic from a Newfie who has lived here 16 years.

My first stop was at a Long Neck Karen Village.  It is made up of a few different shacks, supposedly real but it's definitely set up for tourists-

They wear traditional clothing-

I think this is for show-

But these are long necks-


The rings don’t actually stretch the neck.  They push down on the collar bones and that creates a longer neck.  

They keep busy carving-

and making fabric-

They have a few rubber trees collecting latex-

and some cows-

The daycare-

and inside a house where 5 people live-

I carried on with beautiful views-

I visited a tea plantation-

Then the shit hit the fan.  I wasn’t going fast but was approaching a 90 degree turn.  There was gravel on the road and when I braked, the bike skidded and I fell.  My right knee is scraped as is my right elbow.  There were people around and a couple stayed with me, gave me water and called an ambulance.  I felt fine except my right arm was killing me.  They took me to the Santikiri Health Centre then said I had to go to the hospital in Mae Chan.  Halfway we switched ambulances and I ended up in Bangkok Hospital in Chiang Rai which is private.  I had numerous x-rays, a CT and ECG for pre-op.  The have determined my right arm is broken above the bicep in numerous places.  I need surgery with plate(s) and screws so I contacted insurance and they just confirmed they will guarantee payment so once the business department gets that email, I will leave the emergency room and move into ICU.  It’s their policy that if someone is alone, they must stay in ICU.  They have said I will be in the hospital 4 days so once again my slow boat down the Mekong has been delayed-

 What a piss off!  I don’t know if I will be able to manage.  Right now my arm hurts A LOT so I’ll see what it’s like after surgery.

Monday, February 3, 2025

 Chiang Mai to Chiang Rai, Thailand

I took my bike back at 7:30 this morning and while waiting for the shop to open, I toured the market.  I tried some coconut balls which were delicious-

I returned to my guesthouse and lounged until 11, then walked to the dentist.  I got in early and in no time my tooth was filled, I had called a Bolt- (like Uber) motorcycle and I was at the bus station.  I hadn’t bought a ticket because I had no idea how long my appointment would be so was pissed off to hear “Chiang Rai is sold out until tomorrow!”  There are at least a dozen buses that go every day!  Of course I argued with the guy that there were seats online even though he had already shown me the zeros on the computer screen.  But, being me, I found the site, picked the bus, filled in my information and then when it was time to pick a seat, there were none.  Shit.  Oh well, I could cancel my room, find a place close by and be on the first bus in the morning.  Then, a miracle happened.  The man who moderates traffic at the entrance came to me and asked if I was going to Chiang Rai.  I explained the situation and he said he knew and he had two tickets leaving today at 4 pm!  I should buy a lottery ticket!  

Meanwhile I had a few hours to kill so walked to a nearby huge modern mall-

I had a Blizzard!
  There is the odd Dairy Queen here-

I checked out the prices for beef in the supermarket.  $146.00 and $133.00/ kilo-

and $90.00/kilo-

Lunch was-

It was horrible because it was a whole lot of bones.  I only ate about 3 mouthfuls, then thought this is worse than eating a poorly filleted fish.  I don’t know what it tasted like because it was so spicy my mouth burned.  Why do people think spicy hot is flavour?

The toilets at the mall were interesting and a good idea-

I went back to the bus depot to wait.  4 pm came and went - the bus was delayed 45 minutes but eventually arrived and we were on our way.  There wasn’t much change in elevation but if we weren’t driving through a town, we were in the forest.  An Indian gentleman sat beside me and he watched and I got to listen to Indian dancing videos for 3.5 hours.

Near the bus terminal in Chiang Rai-

 I found The Lab Sleep Hostel-

then wandered to the night market for morning glory-

How is this possible-

I hope to do a 2 day motorcycle loop to the Golden Triangle starting tomorrow.  I don’t think it will be nearly as gruelling as Mae Hong Son.  I also booked my shuttle to Chiang Khong for Thursday.  I’m not taking any chances with not having a way to get there!  


The most important things in my backpack!  The kettle is new this trip and the whole inside heats so water boils in less than a minute-

 Surgery Experience- What I Know So Far So the surgery business is quite a deal. Last night about 7 PM two women walked in in long yellow co...