Wednesday, February 5, 2025

                                             Bangkok Hospital, Chiang Rai, Thailand

Believe it or not I slept quite well sitting fairly upright.  I get pain meds- an injection and pills regularly so my pain is about a 3 most of the time until I start to move and then it is about an 8.  

A nurse brought me the menu-

and breakfast was an omelette.  Kind of like McDonald’s- nothing is as good as it looks in the picture-

I read my book, answered texts and emails - thank you everyone for your concern, slept and then it was lunch.  I had a burger-

and canceled my supper order.  It’s bad so I will try again tomorrow!

The surgeon came and surgery will be Friday evening which is another two days of doing nothing. He said my arm has swollen since last night so they will be putting cold compresses on it and because I am over 60 they take special precautions before surgery. I will be in the hospital until Monday or Tuesday. He will put in a plate and a few pins because there are two bones broken.  I will not get a cast and depending on how my body reacts to the pins and plates, they may never have to come out but he said that people sometimes feel them in the cold weather so time will tell.

The motorcycle shop’s wife came to see me.  They haven’t retrieved the bike yet but they also have to file a police report.  She took pictures of me and said she would come back.  

Everyone is very nice and helpful and I have a lovely room-

At the moment there are 6 nurses for 2 patients.  I was told they usually have 7 patients but this is “slow season”, then she laughed!

I asked if I could have a bath/shower so because of my bandages two nurses gave me a bath in my bed. That was kind of weird but felt good. I hope I smell better now!

I have books to read and every now and then I walk around the unit.  I am taking this as a mini vacation because I know I am very lucky and things could have been a lot worse!


  1. Well shit, Alli! Hopefully all will go well with the surgery and recovery. At least it looks like you're in a modern, comfortable hospital - definitely looks better than the last Canadian hospital I visited in Weyburn. Ha! And, you are far away from the shit show that in the US and Canada right now. Thankful for you blogs as they give me something to read rather than the news. Take care - praying for successful surgery and quick healing.

  2. Holy moly Alli! Hope surgery goes well. Glad you’re in a decent place. Love David


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