Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, December 2, 2015

It was an 11 hour drive to get to Bahir Dar.  We're in a lovely area with beautiful plants and flowers, tenting for either 2 or 3 nights.  It will depend on which activities we do.

The country side around Lalibela is in a drought situation.  Agencies are providing food at numerous distribution sites. 

The rivers are very dry-

So is the land - there isn't much greenery-

One of the fairly rough roads we were on today :) -

Notice the cattle crossing!

It was very dusty passing through villages-

and in the truck- (the white is the dust outside)!

Students on their way to school.  They all wear uniforms and there were hundreds of them-

The views are spectacular-

More human swathers.  I know I've shown similar pictures before but I just can't wrap my head around the work-


Building a road.  All labour is manual - for everything!

Ethiopian car wash!

Looking forward to seeing some monasteries tomorrow!

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