Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Kampala, Uganda, December 21, 2015

I awoke to pouring rain at 4 this morning and was sooooo happy to be sleeping in a dorm!

Once the rain stopped, I went on a Bwaise slum tour.  50,000 people - 60% women and children, live in this particular area.  30% of the women are sex workers and HIV and AIDS is rampant.

Our guide, Salim, grew up  in the slum and wants to make changes.  He runs a not for profit organization providing an orphanage, schooling and food for the hundreds of kids.  He is also running for local government-

The slum-

Coca Cola has put in a clean water well that takes tokens. It costs about $1.67 for 50, 20 litre jerry cans.  There is also a not treated spring where jugs can be filled.  When it rains, the spring is filled with garbage and must be cleared out before it can be used-

60 students cram into this classroom-

English is the official language but if people don't attend school, they can't learn English, therefore they are not employable.  The cycle continues.

Typical homes-

Children at Salim's orphanage range from ages 1-14 and obviously love him-

Playing Ludo-

I have had a Rolex!  And eaten it too!  It's eggs, cabbage and tomato in chipati and delicious-

 6 cost $3.76 - obviously not Mzungo price-

The children of the slum are so cute!  They want to shake your hand, say hello, get hugged and many call out "Hello Muzungo" which is 'white person'.  It makes as much sense as me saying black African-

Their hair is short to keep lice away.  In spite of their difficult situations, they are very happy and friendly.  The adults were much shyer, but most don't speak enough English to communicate.

It was an interesting day and makes me thankful for all that I have.

We have a very early start tomorrow - 5 am as we drive off to Rwanda!

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