Wednesday, November 23, 2016

San Marcos, Guatemala el 23 de noviembre

Well I'm very happy to report I had a great sleep in my 'new' bedroom.  I moved downstairs into a room with a very small window, with the hope of quiet and warmth.  I was not disappointed!  I still have to go upstairs to use the bathroom which is no problem, however, the toilet tank piece that lifts to allow water to fill the tank has been sticking and two days in a row, it stuck open and drained the water tanks on the roof.  It's fixed now but cost the family 2 tanks of water.  I don't want to ask the cost.

School went well: Mynor, my teacher and I talked a lot and played a few games of memory with question development using different verbs.  After lunch, I went to San Marcos.  There are about a dozen pueblos that surround Laguna Atitlan and San Marcos is known for meditation, yoga, holistic healing and massage venues.  I didn't visit any of these but found a French restaurant on the water, in the sun-

Lanchas make continuous stops around the lake and are a cheap way to travel.  It cost 10 Q = $1.80 each way-from San Pedro to San Marcos-

Because the lake has risen over the years, mainly because of earthquakes, the trees are now flooded and the beach has disappeared.

I enjoyed some vino tinto and nachos, not something I usually eat at home but can't resist here-

They were smothered in melted queso and had a huge dollop of guacamole in the center.  Frijoles and salsa were also included.

Needless to say I didn't need supper.  Tomorrow is another day of classes and who knows where I might end up!

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