Wednesday, November 9, 2016

XIV Carrera de Charolas, el nueve de noviembre, 2016

Volcan Fuego was acting up this morning-

School was great - we went on a field trip downtown.  Along the way, the Department of Highways was fixing the roads-

The Carrera de Charolas is a race featuring waiters and waitresses carrying loaded trays.  Winners win quetzales!

The women were first-

And they're off-

Each tray holds 4 drinks: 

If one drink falls over, the contestant is disqualified.

A drone was filming the action-

And there were numerous tv crews.

This el payaso-

had great makeup!

The men were next-

and were led by a nino.

The men were super fast and it wasn't long until-

the same man who won last year, was crossing the finish line!

I went back to the gym (my 3rd time!!) and on my way home tried to find an ice cream shop and a food store, featured in my Lying Planet book.  Nada.  Anyway, I did find El Carmen, or what's left of it.  

It was built in 1728 and destroyed by an earthquake, to look like this, in 1773.  The columns are beautiful.

Notice the crack above the entry-

I found this treasure hidden behind plain exterior walls-

It was another beautiful day.  Looking forward to more learning tomorrow!

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