Thursday, March 28, 2019

Bushcamp to Luanda, Angola, March 28, 2019

I was awake every hour and I know that becasue I had my IPad with me for an alarm for our early breakfast.  The night was cool and there was a great breeze.  We were on the road by 6:30, heading to Luanda.  The countryside hasn't changed - trees, tall grass, little human life and no animal life.  

I've checked flights and it looks like I can fly tomorrow and eventually get to Toronto for a little over $1300, so that means today is my last day with the group.  I've loved most of the group and they have made this journey so worth it-

Victoria is from Norway and a linguist.  Once the trip is over she will go home and look for work.  She always has something positive to say-

Ella is Canadian but living in Malaga, Spain.  She leaves today and heads for São Tomé for a few days and has only been with us a month-

Clarissa has malaria but is feeling a lot better today.  She's from Holland and a retired scientific researcher.  She studied homeless people and drug addicts in Utrecht and is the best cook on the truck, always willing to help out anyone who asks for spice advice-

Brad is Will's nephew and a farmer from New Zealand.  He's been an awesome help this trip whether finding food under the floorboards, loading luggage or truck maintenance.  I'll always remember Shitface Monday's or Friday's or ........

Hills is from England and a huge Chelsea supporter who is always helping in the kitchen.  She's very witty and has had me laughing a lot-

Brian is a retired electrician from England who loves to sing and play the guitar-

Michelle is from Alberta but has been living and teaching English in Chile the last few years-

Leanne and Ryan are from England.  She works in Iceland at a hotel and he is a greenskeeper who has been volunteering in Afriica.  They met on the trip.  Leanne loves to laugh and you can hear her all over the truck-

April is from Queens and a retired  computer geek.  She spends most of her time on the truck like this and she has the best laugh ever.  She eats a lot of ginger and garlic and is very helpful chopping in the kitchen-

Brian is a retired financial wizard from San Diego.  He has the best sense of humour ever:  " This is going to be good!"-

Lutz is German but lives in Australia.  He's always up early, rustling around with his tent, making sure none of us sleep in-

Terry makes me laugh all the time!  He's a retired corrections worker from England but lives in Thailand, is a massive hoarder, a collector of masks and smelly beer cans and completely insane.  He trims his beard with scissors and a towel draped across his chest while sitting around mountains of his shit in the back of the truck.  He was part of the #1 Cook Group-

Norm is also part of the #1 Cook Group and I get a morning hug every day!  He spends a lot of time like this because most of the time he's pissed.  He drinks morning and night, either brandy, rum or pastis.  He's happy all the time and bursts into If You're Happy and You Know It and Kumbaya.  I love Norm-

Richard is British but now lives in Lisbon.  He's been a great truck packer and is always helping with the electrics-

Don is from North Carolina and retired from a metal coating business.  He's become a minimalist and avid traveller and has been a calming presence most of the time, until he explodes at Thomas-

Will has driven us safely the past 3 months and is very easy going.  He's made our life easy and the trip fun-

We arrived in Luanda before 2 pm and parked in the parking lot of the yacht club which is very conveniently located to restaurants and the water.  Most people headed straight for a close by hotel because it's so hot and humid and we upgrade when we can.  
For lunch, I had an espetada.  I've never seen such a thing before.  It's grilled vegetables and different meats on a skewer-

After lunch I checked into the hotel, enjoyed the jacuzzi tub, the wifi and the air conditionning.  Supper was Chinese room service.   I've booked my flight for Toronto, leaving tomorrow at 2 pm to arrive March 30 at 9 am.  Flights with Westjet are sold out for the weekend so I'm flying to Saskatoon Monday at 8 pm to arrive at 9:30 pm.  I'm starting to look forward to going home!  

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