Saturday, February 2, 2019

Accra to Biakpa Mountain Paradise, February 2, 2019

I met the truck at Second Cup in the mall where there are instructions on the back of the toilet stall wall about how to properly use the toilet-

There were also two Mormon men in the mall.  I always chuckle when I see them because I think about The Book of Mormon.  They asked why I wanted to take their picture but I couldn't tell them that-

By 11 we were on our way.  Our goal was the Wome waterfall-

because apparently a German runs a nice campsite there.  We didn't make it and it started raining-

As we drove away from Acca, the smooth fast roads turned to potholed messes-

did have fun looking out the window seeing the most delicious tomatoes, pawpaw and mangoes-

Vehicles are attacked when they arrive in villages.  Most women are all hustling the same thing which seems crazy to me but these carry-all boxes are something new-

Cool shops: Fabric + treadle machines = lovely styling clothes-


Sound City Africa style-

Battleford Furniture??-

Coffins are available in many open air shops-

There are many long, sweet, British (shitty) white loaves of bread for sale-

As well as cassava-

Chickens for lunch-

Washing stations are on each table in the restaurant where I had lunch-

And speaking of lunch, I finally had fufu.  It's ground cassava made into a patty and tastes a lot like cream of wheat porridge, not good-

We drove through rain and wind so the temperature cooled off.  We pulled into a nice spot for the night.  Looking forward to quiz night after supper and whatever tomorrow brings!

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