Monday, February 15, 2016

Baobab Bush Camp, February 15, 2016

Namibia is sparsely populated with only 2 people per square kilometre.  Most still live in the country-

where the homes are made from mud bricks and have thatched roofs.  The whole compound is surrounded by a tree fence to keep the wildlife out.

Fields are hoed by hand- (can you imagine?)

although I saw two 'teams' of cattle pulling a single blade plough and there was one huge modern farm-

wIth irrigation and tractors.  The light land has been cleared of the many trees and they must get sufficient rainfall to grow crops.  The land seems more suited to cattle and we've seen many.

Baobab trees can be up to 3000 years old-

The bark is rough and motley-

This one is huge-

I'm joined by Rhod and Adam.

We're bush camping tonight-

My tent is holding up pretty well-

and after numerous setups, I've finally figured out how to put the fly on properly so I don't get wet :)

Looking forward to Etosha National Park tomorow!

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