Wednesday, November 15, 2023

 Bobbi and the Others, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico         November 15, 2023

What a slow day!  It took me until 3:30 to start feeling human again- what a waste.

Laura and Randy Lindquist are staying at a resort in Nuevo and they were going to a bar/restaurant to see a band that they’d seen before and liked so we met them at El Jardin de Versalles.  It’s a lovely place-

with great pizza-

Bobbi and the Others have played at Aquadeo of all places because Bobbi is related to the Delaineys!  They are very good and she can really sing.  I hope they come back to the lake this summer-

Calvin and Michelle Heidel are travelling with Randy and Laura Lindquist-

It was nice to see Lindquists and meet the Heidels, have some pizza and listen to good music.  They played from 6-9 and for the last set the volume was way low because the restaurant is in a very nice feeling residential area so they try to keep their neighbours happy. That’s the problem with staying in a hotel where there is so much commercialism - a person forgets there are normal people just living quiet normal lives instead of being in the bustle of tourism all the time.

I’m looking forward to getting out and about tomorrow! 

P.S.  How mistakes like this can still be made in a world of technology amazes me-

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