Monday, December 12, 2016

La Virgen de Guadalupe, el doce de deciembre, 2016

Another great day at school!  I'm finishing off my 7 weeks of learning with the imperfecto or en français l'imparfait which does not exist en englés.  It's a form of the past which is used when something repeats itself or has duration, as well as for description.  It is super easy in French because there is only 1 exception and it is just about as simple en Español because there are only 3 exceptions!  I can handle that after the preterito!  And Magdalena and I are going to Zunil and Fuentes Georginas Hotsprings Wednesday morning!  I tried to book a tour but being only one, it is not possible.  It will be better with her anyway.  I love her!

So, today being el doce de deciembre, the celebration for la Virgen de Guadalupe continues en Parque Central with ..... what else would interest me most but food!

Churros are Latin American crullers.  The bowl of hot oil is ready for the next batch-

There were many stands and after a taste test, I bought a bag-

They are covered in powdered sugar, chocolate sauce and white icing.  En serio!  I'm going to come home gorda if I'm not careful! :)

Other food available includes-

Yes, that's a roasted pig!

Numerous statues of la Virgen are for sale-

And there are lots of booths where one can have pictures taken, as if in a stable-

with live animals: pollo-

Y las cabras-

Other booths aren't so elaborate-

You can see the grinding stone used for making ground maíz for tortillas-

Niños are dressed like Juan Diego-

And many women dress traditionally-

If you don't have a costume or forget it at home, you can always buy one-

I've also been busy finalizing plans for the next part of my trip and some are complete.  I take a shuttle to Antigua Saturday morning and then onto Guatemala City for the night.  Sunday morning I catch an early flight to Managua, Nicaragua where I'll spend a few days in Leon before meeting up with my friends, the Minishs from Rosetown.  They are coming to Nicaragua for Christmas and New Years so I am looking forward to seeing them!

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