Here we are celebrating Nico #1 after burying his ashes April 30. My sister Carolyn is on the right. Speaking of Carolyn, she is joining me for 3 weeks in February/March at Little Corn Island, Nicaragua, and Utilla and Roatan, Honduras. I'm very much looking forward to it!
I didn't go salsa dancing last night either! There was a concert in Parque Central of Christmas music by the orquesta infantil, banda sinfónica, orquesta sinfónica and finally, saving the best for last Big Band. The first 3 groups were not so good and in typical Guatemalan style, it started late. The crew responsible for the microphones was busy adjusting for most of the first performance and the mics still squealed and howled throughout the night. The first 3 groups played Christmas music, which I haven't heard publicly for a few years, having been in Africa last year and Asia the year before. I enjoyed singing along. Big Band played songs like Satin Doll by Duke Ellington and In the Mood. They were excellent musicians and it was obvious they loved performing.
Today I did finally leave mi cama and went walking. Piñatas sin dulces are popular this time of year-
They cost about $6!
has been woven here since 1861. There were literally hundreds of booths selling fabric and other things like the huipil blusa. These have open arms because the region where they are worn is very hot-
The markets are filled with hawkers selling literally everything: underwear, Christmas balls in wheelbarrows, dishes, toys, rope, fruit and vegetables, drinks, and belts-
Another reason to come to Salcajá is to see the oldest church in Central America. San Jacinto was built in 1524 by the conquering Spaniards-
The curtains change for the religious event and white is for Navidad I guess. There are 3 original wooden pillars inside and about 150 people regularly attend mass.
Lunch was Pollolandia and KFC better look out if they franchise in Canada. It was soooo good. These two drumsticks cost $2.27 and it was plenty-
I got off close to Walmart. I love Walmart-
Tequila tasting with a shot of chili sprinkled limón. This huge jug cost $17.48 and it's very smooth.
With all the delicious street taco stands, at the food court in the mall, Taco Bell has the largest lineup-
Not sure what's happening tomorrow but more walking I'm sure!
Lots of beautiful colour today Alli from the materials at the street stalls to the blue of the sky in the photo of San Jacinto. Lots of eating and drinking today also, what a good day 🙂.