Saturday, October 11, 2014

Manas National Park, India

This is the Bansbari Lodge-

The tea growing by our lodge is chamomile-

This is Lokhi mala, a domestic elephant, enjoying bananas, bamboo and elephant grass-

Here's Matt, Tim, Jan and me ready to spot a tiger-

Our safari was uneventful, but here is what we saw-

We had to take pictures of something-

The true meaning of riding shotgun!

Bhutan is on the right, across the river-

This centipede greeted us back at the Lodge.  Apparently they bite and are poisonous-

I left my Ipad unattended.  Guess what part of Matt's body this is.  

We're off to Shillong tomorrow after a great day here.  The food and service have been exceptional!

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