Thursday, September 4, 2014

Hetian, China

The Chinese are so funny.  This was on the bedside table-

More Chinglish-

What's even funnier about 'ded light' is that the switch on the other side said 'bed light'!

There was a basket of goodies in the bathroom.  Some were to clean your penundrum! (Look it up!)  Lots of condoms and personal hygiene products.  Maybe they rent rooms by the hour????

I like the name of these condoms!

Departure time was noon, so there was lots of time to wander around.

This particular underground crosswalk was wall to wall with electronics kiosks: cell phones, tablets....

Lunch today was baked lamb pie-

The oven was in a cart on the street-

Here's a cold drink, again on the street.  Notice the blocks of ice in the cooler!

No diapers here!

There has been a bit of violence in this region.  Our hotels have X-ray machines, security doors, armed guards with rifles, shields, helmets and this vehicle was parked outside-

Today's drive was, well, you decide-

2 hours later-

2 hours later still-

And another 2 hours later-

Only in China???

A road sign-

We're bush camping in the desert, in an irrigated melon/tree area.  Hope the sprinklers don't come on in the next few hours!

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