Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Guayabitos, el cuatro de Febrero, 2020

It’s been an uneventful two days.  The weather has been cloudy and rainy so we didn’t go to Sayulita.  We are going tomorrow even though more rain is expected.  The temperature is fine - no coat is needed and the beach is still busy but not like on the weekend.  Yesterday was a holiday - Mexicans have the most holidays of any country it seems.  Day of the Constitution is really February 5 but they move a middle of the week day off to the weekend to have a ‘Puente” which means bridge.  I find that so interesting because when I was a French teacher, I taught an expression every day and one was “faire le pont” which means to take another day off to have a long weekend.  It makes no sense in English but it makes sense to me.  Walking on my street yesterday morning, I spoke with a bus driver.  He said three big coaches came from Leon/Guanajato for the day.  They left at midnight and arrived at 8 am.  People have to be back for the return trip by 5!  What a marathon that would be and to sit out in the sun and drink and party all day!  Sounds like fun!  I bet the bus was quiet going home!

Because I’m the fifth person going to Sayulita, we need a van which changes the price from 400 to 700 pesos/person so I decided to walk to the bus depot and see if there’s a bus going.  There are and they leave ever 20 minutes for 168 pesos.  So, that’s how I am going and I’ll meet the others at a bar that apparently serves the biggest margaritas in the world!  Ha!

Along the way I scored some very large shrimp - without heads, for the same money and they were delicious.  Much fresher than the cooler on the street guy’s.  I wandered back to Guayabitos in the rain and stopped at a shop to have my toes ‘gelished” - shellacked, for $7.  Because of the rain, the beach wasn’t very inviting so I went to the movie Bombshell.  It was very good.

Today, I went for a run/walk on the beach, finished the book Before We Were Yours which is about the adoptions of children in Tennessee in the 1920s - 1950s.  It was very good too.  We had a down pour-

I went to Wanda’s for a burger - great, then wandered the beach to Jim and Shelley’s where I found them sitting out in front on beach chairs.  We visited, Winger came along for a few minutes, then we went to Hotel Guayabitos for Happy Hour.  More rain is predicted for tonight!


I think the kids missed their Dad-

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