Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Manzanillo, Mexico, el once de Febrero, 2020

I had another leisurely morning.  I went to the pool to lie in the sun and swim my lengths then went to Wally and Sharon’s for 2 pm.  There’s a funny sign on the street on the way-

No music or scandals allowed!   I had a taco for lunch in the street and then we caught the bus to HOA - Hostel Olas Altas which has 2 for 1 margaritas on Tuesdays-

There, we met Don and Donna Woodworth-

The place is packed with old gringos-

who dance to great music and play Jenga-

There are painted poems on the walls-

including one by Nietzsche-

There is a large umbrellaed beach area but we stayed inside-

We caught the bus home and I went to the pool for another half hour of swimming.  I’m really enjoying swimming, it’s something I haven’t  done for years but I may pick it up once I’m home.  Tomorrow I think I’ll go into Manzanillo to have a look around but I will spend the afternoon on the beach!  Life is awesome and the days are passing much too quickly!

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