Sunday, November 1, 2015

Amman, Jordan, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween!  Although, you wouldn't know it was Halloween here - no candy, no costumes, no trickery!

Today was a quiet, restful day.  Our farewell supper was some of the best food I've eaten while here. I had tabbouleh, an artichoke pizza and baba ghanoush which is a Levantine dish with eggplant, onions, tomatoes, olive oil and seasonings.  I first tried it at a tea stall along the route to the Monastery at Petra.  I sat down to visit with a woman and she was making it.  She used a pestle to make a very fine consistency and when I make this at home, that's what I'll do too-

Jordenglish!  Lamp really means lamb.  I didn't try this-

Our group enjoyed the tastes of Jordan at a great restaurant called Jafra.  The haze is shisha smoke -  apple, cherry, mint.  It makes me sick but people just go crazy for it-

I've enjoyed my time in Jordan but I don't think it's a place I will come back to - not because of anything in particular, I've just seen it and now it's time for more adventures!  Off to Cairo tomorrow!

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