Saturday, December 30, 2017

El Chalten, Argentina, December 30, 2017

This morning I woke up to sunshine and little wind so decided to do a hike, trek, walk - whatever you want to call it.  The Miriam Webster dictionary defines hike as "to travel by any means" and trek as "to make one's way arduously" and walk as " to go on foot for exercise or pleasure".  So, with all of that in mind, I went on a walk to see the peaks of Fitz Roy-

The views along the way-

These round green shrubs grow everywhere and are prickly to the touch so not edible for animals-

From the Mirador Del Fitz Roy which is 4 km from the gate-

There are rushing streams-

and a tent city 8 km from the gate-

where there is also a warning about the wind-

I kept walking until I reached this rocky river-

and decided not to cross the bridge.  I was pretty tired by this time and I didn't like the idea of walking through these big rocks.  I turned around at about 8.5 km-

There's also scrub brush along the way-

and this crazy Magellanic woodpecker who wasn't bothered by people talking.  I guess he was hungry-

The calafate boxed leaf barberry looks like a lady slipper but grows on a shrub-

The river meanders in the valley where the winds are very fierce-

I was exhausted by the time I got back to the truck: my knees, hips and right ankle were aching but I made it.  It was interesting as I walked along.  I went by myself because I didn't want to be a slow poke and make people wait.  I also enjoy the silence.  Any time someone came up behind me talking, I let them pass - the sooner the better.  The silence gives me time to commune with nature: feel the wind and the heat of the sun.  It's also a good time to think and talk to God and the Angels.  I've just finished a book called "You are a Badass" by Jen Sincero and it talks about many things such as we are our thoughts, and our thoughts were put into our heads when we were very little.  We can change the way we see the world by changing our thoughts.  We can have what we want if we truly go for it.  I like my life and there isn't anything I'd change but..... 

Anyway, I've always said that I don't like hiking but today was awesome.  It was a warm day, I had lots of time to think and I felt really happy.  Happy hiking?  What is going on?  I might just do some more walking this trip!  

On to El Calafate tomorrow, in a hostel for 3 nights!

1 comment:

  The Golden Triangle, Thailand I had one of those nights where you’re pretty sure you have slept but it feels like you’ve been awake all ni...