Day 19 Villalcázar de Sirga to Calzadilla de La Cueza, Spain October 10, 2022
The night was good and we were walking by 8 AM when it’s just starting to get light –
The countryside has not changed much for the past few days.
I didn’t really have an intention for the day but I thought about the difference between hiking and walking. To me, we are walking because we are along very specific paths. Hiking is when you’re walking along new territory where there is no path. I do have to admit that I really enjoyed today and I know that word enjoyed is going to get me into lots of trouble with my three companions because they tease me about doing another Camino which I tell them will never happen! Physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally I feel really good and that is making these days pass quickly. I look forward to what is yet to come.
Our walk was 22.8 km which is pretty long but it was overcast so not at all hot –
Our first stop was in Carrión de Los Condes which is a medieval town-
There were also more grain terminals but on closer inspection, they are not used nor is there a train track so I am not sure how they move their grain. They must truck it a long way right from the field-
I peeked into the Monasterio de Santa Clara which dates from 1614-
Mass was on and nuns were singing-
Carrying on, we had breakfast- another tortilla which I don’t mind, and then found the Iglesia Santa María de Camino. It was first built in 1130 but remodelled in 1682-
Another pilgrim statue-
Another great bridge-
Leaving Carrión de Los Condes, the walk was flat and the first half was next to a minor highway –
With about 12 km to go we ended up just walking through secluded farmland-
Pedro and his dog Fresco-
The Brierly Bible (camino guide) said there is a food truck along the 17 km path but it’s only available in the summer. Much to our surprise he was there. He said 300 pilgrims pass by each day in May and September, the busiest months. In October, it’s more like 80. I would say he makes a pretty fine living. He has an espresso machine, a juicer to make fresh orange juice, beer and a grill for Panini type sandwiches. Without him it would be a long walk with no services. Today was cool so we did not need much water but on a hot day, I cannot imagine –
Pedro and his dog from Majorca-
Carrying on I finally came to Calzadilla de La Cueza, a one horse town in the middle of nowhere. My albergue, the Albergue Municipal-
Our room-
There are 22 beds but not all are full. It only costs 8 euro ($10.68). Gary and Jane from Iowa are also staying in this town so we spent the afternoon with them.
Mirjanne is not feeling well - she has a head cold, so the day wasn’t so much fun for her. Hopefully she is feeling better tomorrow when we are off to Sahagún, 22.1 km away. I am looking forward to another fairly flat walk.
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