Saturday, October 22, 2022

Day 31  Las Herrerias to Fonfria, Spain   October 22, 2022

It was a tough day. Not only did I have 8 km up right off the bat but the wind was howling and it was misting/drizzling/uncomfortable. It was only a 19.9 km day but with all the uphill it was about 25-

Thank goodness I am staying in the most awesome hostel ever with couches, a guitar, a keyboard and board games.  The Albergue- Pensión A Reboleira in Fonfria-

In picking a hostal bed, it’s important to think of a couple of things. You do not want to be by the bathrooms because people are up and walking past all night. Most people don’t think to shut the door quietly and turn the light on in the room once the door shuts. You also do not want to be by the entrance door in case people have to leave the room for whatever reason. I chose a bed in the farthest corner and it just happens to have a radiator right beside it so I am going to have a cosy night! This albergue also supplies sheets and comforters. The water in the shower was super hot and I signed up for the community supper which was potato and spinach soup - 5/10 and rice 0/10 with beef stew 5/10.  The best part was Santiago cake for dessert and the wine but the wine was the 1 euro 50 variety-

They also have three classes of wine. The House Wine is 1 euro 50, a little better one is 2 euro 50 and the best 3 euro 50. After today, I am drinking the best!

Once again, no intention except gratitude. The trip is winding down; I am so thankful to have done it.

I left Las Herrerias at 8 o’clock, again in the dark, but there were other walkers so I didn’t get lost.  Along the way-


Poor thing!  Lost her mind and sits naked in the wind and rain-

And my students wondered why I always knew when they used Google translate –

O Cebreiro is such a cool village. It’s perched high on a hill and has the coolest buildings –

When Chris and I were biking four years ago, we got there in the sleet and there was no room at the inn so we had to keep biking to the next village. I had hoped to spend the night here this year but couldn’t have made the 8 kilometres up the hill yesterday after walking all day and it was too soon to stop today so I carried on after the best ensalada mixte of the trip-

Carrying on -

I couldn’t figure out why my poncho was not covering my backpack and whipping around.  The arms weren’t fitting that well either. I was disappointed in my purchase until I got to the albergue and figured out that I wasn’t wearing it properly. I should be able to stay pretty dry tomorrow.

At the top of the hill is a monument I would have missed if there hadn’t been a sign because my hood was on like blinders on a horse-

 He’s hanging onto his hat because the wind howls-

More scenery-

Hoping as usual for a good sleep even though there are lots of us in the room and a rainless day. That is not going to happen and I can handle showers, I just do not want it to be pouring all day!

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