Monday, December 12, 2022

Kuwait City to Move Along Camp, Saudi Arabia   December 9, 2022

Our three SUV drivers from Saudi picked us up pretty much on time and the border crossing was quick and uneventful.  But before that, we said goodbye to John, Leanne and Ric-

Ric leaving today was a bit of a surprise as he had decided a couple weeks ago to go back to the U.K from Riyadh but he hasn’t been feeling well the whole trip - bowel issues, so rather than torture himself with 3 bushcamps, he left today.  I will certainly miss him because we have sat across from each other the whole trip and we were constantly playing scrabble.  He just about always beat me with at least one if not two 7 letter words per game.  It’s hard to beat that and to make matters worse, we often played using the British dictionary which allows a whole bunch of 2 letter words I am not familiar with.  We have been playing today though and yes, he won again!

We drove through miles and miles of fuck all.   There are a few camels and plenty of garbage-

Lunch was at a place in the middle of nowhere.  I had a delicious spicy chicken dish with their bread which I love but I doubt I will ever get over this-

How can you do such a thing in this modern age?

Anyway, I am feeling pretty alone today but I’m going to have to make a better effort at talking to other people or the next 3 weeks will be hard.  Few people talk on the coach but after a month, I think most are pretty much talked out anyway.

Tomorrow we will visit a gigantic camel market in Buraidah and bush camp as we head towards Riyadh.  


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